Dyspnea - difficulties breathing , Wheezes  - high pitched lung sound , Cyanosis  - bluish discoloration in skin , SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome , SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome , Croup - common respiratory illness , RSV - causes cold like symptoms , Asthma - trouble breathing , Inhaler - device used for asthma , Chest PT - airway clearance/ technique to drain lungs , Lobotomy - surgery to remove a whole lobe of an organ , Spacer - "holding chamber" makes an inhaler more effective , Orthopnea - sensation of breathlessness, relieved by sitting or standing , Crackles - discontinuous, explosive sounds in lungs during expiration , Hemothorax - collection of blood in the space between visceral and partial pleura , Hypoixa  - oxygen is not available to tissues to maintain homeostasis , Pulse Omimetry - test to measure the oxygen level of the blood , Antivirals - meds used for treating viral infections , Retractions - a persons asthma attempts to inhale , Sleep Apnea - trouble breathing while sleeping ,

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