p wave - represents the contraction of the atria, qrs complex - represents the contraction of the ventricles, t wave - represents the electrical recovery of the ventricles, baseline - represent the period of time the heart rests, chest lead v2 location - 4th intercostal space lt margin, chest lead v5 location - horizontal to lead 4 at the axillary line, chest lead v1 location - 4th intercostal space rt margin, chest lead v3 location - midway between v2 and v4, leads 1,2,3 - bipolar leads, leads ra,rl,ll,la,4,5,6 - unipolar leads, pericardium - loose fitting sac that surrounds the heart, apex - pointed end of the heart, rt atrium - receives deoxygenated blood from the body, superior vena cava - returns blood to the heart from the head, rt ventricle - pumps blood to the lungs, lt ventricle - forces oxygenated blood through the aortic valve, lt atrium - receives full oxygenated blood from the lungs, inhalation - process of taking air into the lungs, interatrial septum - seperates rt and lt atria, coronary arteries - supply heart with oxygenated blood from the aorta,

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