Correct: The fastest car is this one., Studying is more difficult than playing video games., Grass is wetter after rain., The most expensive supermaket in Targoviste., Chindia Tower is taller than my house., I bought today the latest game console., We bought the prettiest flower bouquet for her. , She is the tallest of the class., This is the best present., It went from bad to worst., I can see better now than before,, The joke he told was funnier than he thought., This is the most boring movie., Silver is not as expensive as gold., Incorrect: The fasttest car is this one., Studying is difficult than playing video games., Grass is weter after rain., This supermarket is the expensivest one in Targoviste., Chindia Tower is tallest than my house., I bought today the later game console., We bought the prettyest flower bouquet for her., She is tallest of the class., This is the bestest present., It went from bad to badest., I can see the best now than before., The joke he told was funnyier than he thought., This is the boringest movie., Silver is not expensive as gold.,

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