1) 1. Which country did the boy visit? 1. 這個男孩訪問了哪個國家? a) a. The United Kingdom. 英國。 b) b. The United Arab Emirates. 阿拉伯聯合酋長國。 c) c. The U.S.A. 美國。 2) 2. How was the trip? 這次旅行怎麼樣? a) a. It was wonderful. 這太棒了。 b) b. It was OK. 這個還行吧。 c) c. It could have been better. 它本來可以更好。 3) What did the boy do during his stay in America? 這個男孩在美國期間做了什麼? a) He went to a baseball game. 他去看了一場棒球比賽。 b) He went to a basketball game. 他去看了一場籃球賽。 c) He attended a baseball game. 他參加了一場棒球比賽。 4) 4. Why did the boy enjoy seeing the game in person? 4. 為什麼男孩喜歡親眼看到比賽? a) He could see the player's facial expressions clearly. 玩家的面部表情,他看得一清二楚。 b) He felt like he was part of the game. 他覺得自己是遊戲的一部分。 c) He could be on TV. 他可能會上電視。 5) 5. Which city did the boy go to? 這個男孩去了哪個城市? a) a. Los Angeles. 洛杉磯。 b) b. San Diego. 聖地亞哥。 c) c. San Francisco. 舊金山。 6) 6. Whose house did the boy stay in? 男孩住在誰家? a) His father's. b) His aunt's. c) His uncle's. 7) 1. How long has the boy's aunt lived in San Francisco? 1. 男孩的阿姨在舊金山住了多久? a) Less than two years. 不到兩年 b) Two years. 兩年 c) Three years. 三年 8) 2. Why did the boy's aunt move to San Francisco? 為什麼男孩的阿姨搬到了舊金山? a) She lost her previous job. 她失去了以前的工作 b) To find more opportunities. 去尋找更多的機會。 c) She got a raise. 她得到了加薪。 9) 3. What did the boy also visit? 男孩還參觀了什麼? a) The Golden Gate Park. 金門公園 b) The Golden Gate Bridge. 金門大橋 c) San Francisco Bay. 舊金山灣 10) 4. What did the boy think of the bridge?男孩對這座橋有什麼看法? a) It was just a bridge. 那隻是一座橋。 b) He didn't see the bridge. 他沒有看到那座橋。 c) He was amazed. 他很驚訝。 11) 5. Why didn't they drive over the bridge? 他們為什麼不開車過橋? a) a. The bridge was closed. 橋被關閉了。 b) b. They didn't have enough time. 他們沒有足夠的時間。 c) c. It cost money. 它花了錢。 12) 6. What's the color of the Golden Gate Bridge? 金門大橋是什麼顏色的? a) Golden. 金的。 b) Between red and orange. 介於紅色和橙色之間。 c) Banana Yellow. 香蕉黃。

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