1) bought a) come b) have c) buy d) go 2) came a) drink b) come c) buy d) go 3) did a) have b) do c) give d) eat 4) drank a) eat b) take c) read d) drink 5) ate a) come b) eat c) see d) buy 6) gave a) write b) give c) drink d) do 7) went a) go b) write c) eat d) see 8) had a) see b) write c) eat d) have 9) read a) do b) take c) go d) read 10) saw a) eat b) have c) read d) see 11) took a) eat b) see c) take d) do 12) wrote a) write b) read c) give d) have 13) ran a) run b) take c) read d) make 14) got up a) see b) get up c) run d) do 15) made a) make b) drink c) read d) sit 16) sat a) go b) take c) sit d) see

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