What behaviour do you consider ………………………….. at school? Have you ever had to confront a classmate about their behaviour? ACCEPT - unacceptable, Do you think that a ………………………….. environment can be healthy or unhealthy? COMPETE - competitive, Have you ever been in a work situation where you felt ………………………….. stressed or pressured? NEED - needlessly, What would be the most ………………………….. job for you? Why wouldn’t you want to do it? INTEREST - uninteresting, What sport or leisure activity gives you …………………………..? MOTIVATE - motivation, Where is your favourite ………………………….. place to escape to when you need to unwind? PEACE - peaceful, Do you like to keep up with the latest fashion trends? What is the most ………………………….. item of clothing you own? FASHION - fashionable, Do you think that a person’s early ………………………….. education makes a big difference? CHILD - childhood, Do you think that a ………………………….. learning environment is important for academic success? COMFORT - comfortable, In your opinion, what’s the most ………………………….. subject to study? Why? ENJOY - (un)enjoyable, What ………………………….. expectations do you think students have about college or university life? REAL - unrealistic, How do you think education can be made more ………………………….. for students? ENCOURAGE - encouraging, Do you eat ..................? HEALTH - healthily, Do you believe that a healthy lifestyle can prevent …………………………..? Why or why not? ILL - illness, Have you ever undergone a ………………………….. operation? How did you prepare for it and what was the experience like? SURGERY - surgical, Is there anything that you have a natural ………………………….. to do? ABLE - ability, How can we reduce the amount of air ………………………….. in cities? POLLUTE - pollution, Do you have an ………………………….. impression of someone? What have they done to upset you? FAVOUR - unfavourable, How do you resolve ………………………….. with your family or friends? UNDERSTAND - misunderstandings, How influential were your teachers to your …………………………..? DEVELOP - development,

Word formation convo qs Advanced

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