A place you’ve been planning to visit recently , A hobby you’ve been doing for a long time , A new hobby you have been trying , The time you’ve been going to bed lately , A TV series you’ve been watching that you would recommend , An item of clothing you’ve been wearing for more than a year , Something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, Something you’ve been working on lately , A good restaurant you’ve been eating at recently , How you’ve been feeling today , A physical exercise you’ve been doing lately , Someone you’ve been thinking about today , Someone you’ve been hanging out with recently , How you’ve been spending your days off recently , A sport you’ve been playing since you were a child , How long you’ve been using your mobile phone , Changes you’ve been noticing recently , Something you’ve been doing in your free time recently , The place where you’ve been living , Something you’ve been doing for fun lately , The time you’ve been making up recently , Something you’ve been learning for a long time , A book, newspaper, or magazine you’ve been reading lately , Something you’ve been saving money to buy.

Present perfect continuous


Papan Peringkat

Roda acak adalah templat terbuka. Ini tidak menghasilkan skor untuk papan peringkat.

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

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