abravīt  - said; spoke; taught, abhyutthānam - rise; increase, ādau - at first; in the beginning; initially, apare - others, arpaṇam - one who is endowed with intelligence; an intelligent person, dharmasya - of righteousness, divyam - divine, celestial, gahanā - imponderable; hard to be understood, glāniḥ - decay; decline, haviḥ - ghee (clarified butter); that which is offered in fire, janma - birth, bahūni - many, buddhimān - one who is endowed with intelligence; an intelligent person,  juhvati - to sacrifice; to give up, jñāninaḥ - the wise; those possessing knowledge, kavayaḥ - the seers; the sages, kṣipram - quickly, paramparā - one-after-another; an uninterrupted series; a regular succession; lineage, rahasyam - a secret; a subtle teaching, sakhā - a friend, or companion, sambhavami - I am born, siddhiḥ - success, sṛjāmi - I manifest, tattvadarśinaḥ - those who have realized the Truth, vivasvān - the Sun god,

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