What are you going to do at the weekend? , What do you have to do at home? , What's the time now? , What's the weather like today? , Who is your form teacher? , Which subjects does your form teacher teach? , What is your least favourite subject? , What time does school start? , How often do you go shopping? , How do you get to school? , What do you do in your free time? , When do you usually tidy your room? , What's the weather like today? , What's your favourite season? , When did you last speak English outside of school? , What does your mum have to do? , What did you do after dinner last night? , What did you have for breakfast today? , What are you going to do after school today? , How old will you be in 20 years? , What do you look like? , How many siblings have you got? , How old is your mum? , What is your least favourite vegetable? , Have you got any pets? , How old is your best friend? , Where were you born? , When is your nameday? , How often do you go to the cinema? , Who is your favourite teacher? , How many pupils are there in your class? , What time did you get up this morning? , When do you usually have lunch? , What is your favourite fast food meal? , What does your mum do? , What does your form teacher look like? , What housework do you hate? , Where do you live? , What's your school emal address? , How much time do you spend on your mobile phone every day? , What do you have to do at school? , Can you spell your surname? , Where will you live in 2050? , How many children will you have? , What are you doing now? , What is your English teacher doing now? , How often do you play PC games? , Do you play any musical instrument? , Where did you go on holiday last summer? , When does summer holiday start? , When do we celebrate Christmas?, When is your birthday? , How many books did read last year? , What did you drink this morning? , Which sports can you play? , Can you name 3 activities you can't do? , What do you do together as a family? , Who vacuums the floors in your family? , What is your favourite month of the year? , How often do you watch films? , What subjects do you have on Monday? , Can you compare Biology and Czech? , What subject is the most difficult for you? , What is the capital city of the UK? , How many members are there in your family? , What is our headmaster's name? , How many floors are there in our school? , What would you like to do in the future? , Where do you want to live in 10 years? , What is your favourite social media? , What subject are you interested in? , Who is your Geography teacher? , What is your mum like? , What country would you like to visit? , What are you wearing today? , Where are you now? , How are you today? , What's your phone number? , Which subjects did you have yesterday? , How did you go home after school yesterday? , What time did you go to bed last night? , What have you never done? , What were you doing at 8 pm last night? , Which country have you been to? , What haven't you done yet today? , How long have you had you mobile phone? , What don't you have to on Sunday?, What mustn't you do at school? , Who did you talk to yesterday? , Whhat sport have you never done? , What does you mum have to do? , How long have you learnt English? , What was you teacher doing 5 minutes ago? , When did you last have a fast food meal? .

Questions - Grade 9

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