Event Block - An action that causes something to happen, Loop - a set of codes that repeats a sequence of instructions until a specific condition is met, Bug - Part of a program that does not work correctly, Debug - Finding the error and fixing or correcting it. So your script runs properly., Operator - They are color-coded light-green, and are used to script math equations and string handling., Variable - Part of a program that acts like a storage container. It can be changed through the program, Condtional - blocks that are nested inside of one another that can have multiple outcomes. “IF THEN”, Sprite - A computer pictures that will follow commands, Program - provides (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for a specific task. A series of codes or scripts to make a computer run or control it., Script - is a series of commands in a file that can be executed by the computer without being compiled, Event Block, Condtional Block, Loop Block, Variable Block, What is this block? - Operator Block, What is this? - Sprite ,

Basic Block Vocabulary in Scratch

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