Speaker 1: Hi Jamie, it’s Chris ____. I’m ____ sorry, but I have to ____our lunch tomorrow. The area manager is visiting and wants to take us all ____. Can we ____ it next week? Text me to ____ me know when you’re free. Speaker 2: This is a ____ for Mr. Williams. I’m ____ from Corner Street Dentist’s. You have an ____ for 4.30 on Tuesday afternoon, but we now have an earlier one ____ on Monday at the same time. If you want to change it, then call us ____ on 0208 4654 7212. Thank you. Speaker 3: Hello Judith. It’s your grandmother ____. I’m just calling ____ remind you ____ Aunt Claire’s birthday. It’s next Friday, so don’t forget to call her. ____ you’re well. Bye. Speaker 4: Er … yes, ____ is Gareth. A few of us are playing tennis on Saturday. It’s the ____ arrangement, meet at the club in the morning, then lunch after the game. Do you want to ____ us? Can you ____ me back when you get this and let me ____ if you’re coming? Cheers. Speaker 5: Hi Jean, it’s Grace ____. I’m calling ____ the meeting on Friday. ____ me a call when you have time. Bye.

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