Of the movie genres we have mentioned, which do you like best and least? Why? Which other genres do you enjoy?, Who are your favourite A-listers? B-listers?, What factors contribute to the universal appeal of a film? A star-studded cast, a strong plotline, a memorable soundtrack? Others?, Is a formulaic plotline necessarily a bad thing?, Are you good at working out a plot twist before it happens?, Can you give an example of a movie which was very successfully dubbed into Polish?, Can you name a film whose sequel was actually better than the original movie?, Is there a movie whose trailer convinced you to see it?, Can you think of a movie whose special effects are really over-the-top?, Was there a movie that was a commercial flop but you think was actually good?, Do you remember any movie where someone famous makes a cameo appearance?, Can you think of a movie where the central character is a villain?, What is your favourite blockbuster movie? Why?, Do you have a favourite movie soundtrack?, Give an example of a movie set in the future., Which movie can be called a typical chick flick? Why?, Is there a movie which didn't win an Oscar but you think deserves it?, Who is your favourite director and why?.

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