State purpose of the proposal: The main purpose of this proposal is to …, This proposal is for …, In this proposal I will describe / evaluate / present …, Provide background information: An online survey I carried out amongst colleagues revealed that …, Several respondents suggested …, Feedback from the latest staff survey suggests …, There were several issues arising from the last event. Firstly, ..., Following a survey amongst residents, …, Make recommendations and suggestions: I would like to suggest , Taking the feedback from the survey referred to above into consideration, I recommend …, … sports events could be appealing to …, I recommend that focus groups be organized before a decision is taken., The project should be headed by …, Write a conclusion: If these suggestions are implemented, …, In the light of the research mentioned, … would seem to be the best option., If these recommendations are followed, then …, To conclude, …,

Functional phrases for writing a proposal- NEW

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