1) What’s the chemical formula for Ozone? a) HCL b) O3 c) O2 d) Cl 2) ……….. gas is essential for all aerobic forms life. a) Og b) O2 c) Os d) O3 3) Ozone shields the surface of the earth from …….. of Sun a) Iridium radiations b) Flerovium radiations c) Ultraviolet radiations d) Radon radiations 4) What disease is caused by the radiations emitted by Sun? a) Liver cancer b) Smallpox c) Typhoid d) Skin cancer 5) ……… chemical was one of the cause for depletion of ozone during 1980s. a) Hydrochloric acid b) Chlorofluorocarbons c) Carbon dioxide d) Heptanoic acid 6) U.N.E.P. stands for…………. a) United Nations Ecological Progress b) United Nations Ecological Programme c) United Nations Environment Programme d) United Nations Environment Progress. 7) In which year U.N.E.P. succeeded in freezing the production of CFC (at there level)? a) 1987 b) 1980 c) 1988 d) 1995 8) Ozone is not non-poisonous. a) True b) False c) Ambiguous d) None of the above 9) Following form(s) of oxygen is/are involved in ozone-oxygen cycle  a) triatomic oxygen (O3) b) diatomic oxygen (O2) c) atomic oxygen (O) d) all of these 10) UV rays is higher in summer as a) during summer, ozone is more in the atmosphere b) sun is busy in summer specially c) sun is closer to planet earth so UV rays have a shorter distance to travel and reach us d) none of the above

Our Environment: Ozone layer|Class 10|by Abhishek Anil Jadhav 1003

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