Central Nervous - CNS stands for..., Peripheral Nervous - PNS stands for..., Stimulus - A ________ is a change in the environment, ReceptorCell - The cell that detects a change in the environment, Sensory - Type of neurone that transmits messages from the receptor cell to the CNS, Motor - Type of neurone that transmits messages from the CNS to the effector, Relay - Type of neurone only found in the CNS, Effector - Muscle or gland that carries out the response, Synapse - The gap between neurones, Myelin Sheath - Electrical insulator that surrounds the axon of a neurone, Chemicals - Electrical impulses cannot cross the gap between neurones, instead _________ are released, Reflex - An automatic and quick response to a stimulus, Cornea - Part of the eye that protects the eye and bends light into the eye, Iris - Ring of coloured muscle that controls the size of the pupil, Lens - Focuses light onto the retina, Ciliary Body - Attached to the suspensory ligaments, work together to alter the shape of the lens, Retina - Light sensitive part of the eye that contains receptor cells, Optic Nerve - Carries impulses from the receptors in the eye to the brain, Cerebrum - Part of the brain responsible for consciousness, intelligence, memory and language, Hypothalamus - Part of the brain responsible for maintaining body temperature, Pituitary Gland - A gland in the brain that produces many hormones, Medulla - Part of the brain which controls unconscious activities like breathing and your heart rate, Cerebellum - Part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination,

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