The small intestine is an example of an ________ because it is a collection of tissues organized to do a specific function. - Organ, The body system responsible for breaking food down into usable nutrients and absorbing them into the blood stream. - Digestive System, Starch is a large food molecule and an example of a ____________. - Complex Carbohydrate, Enzymes and stomach acids cause a ____________________ to occur which breaks large food molecules into smaller food molecules. - Chemical reaction, An extra large food molecule that can't be broken down by the digestive system is __________. - Fiber, Most nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream in the __________. - Small Intestine, The ________ mechanically digests food by squeezing it and chemically digests food by mixing it with acid and enzymes. - Stomach, ___________ happen to food in the mouth from the grinding of teeth and in the stomach from squeezing muscles. - Physical Changes, The process of breaking food down into usable nutrients. - Digestion, Amino acids, starches, glucose, and fatty acids are all examples of a _______. - Food Molecule, The _________ absorbs the remaining water from the digestive system and compacts waste. - Large Intestine, The _________ moves food from the mouth to the stomach. - Esophagus, The small finger-like structures that increase the surface area of the small intestine to maximize absorption. - Villi, When food molecules move through small openings in the walls of the small intestine and into the body. - Absorption, Complex carbohydrates are broken into a smaller food molecule called _______ that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. - Glucose,

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