slide - single page of a presentation, usually containing text, images, or diagrams, displayed on a screen to convey information to an audience., visuals - ny graphic elements such as images, charts, graphs, or videos used to enhance understanding and engagement in a presentation., audience - The group of people who are present to listen to or watch a presentation or performance., agenda - A list or outline of items to be discussed or presented at a meeting or event, often arranged in the order in which they will be addressed., interaction - The communication or engagement between the presenter and the audience, or among members of the audience during a presentation or discussion., feedback - Information or reactions provided by the audience or individuals within it, often given to the presenter to help improve performance or content., transition - A smooth and logical movement or change from one topic, slide, or section of a presentation to another, often used to maintain flow and coherence., rehearsal - Practice session or run-through of a presentation before it is delivered to an audience, typically done to ensure smooth delivery and identify areas for improvement., handout - Supplementary materials, such as printed documents or digital files, provided to the audience during or after a presentation to reinforce key points or provide additional information., appearance - The way in which something or someone looks or presents itself, often referring to the visual aspects such as attire, grooming, or the overall aesthetic of a presentation.,

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