What do a plant need? - Plants need sunlight, air, water, nutrients, and space., Is bread a plant? What it does come from? - Bread is food, not plant. Bread comes from wheat., What are living things and non-living things? - Living things are plants and animals that eat, grow, and move. Non-living things are objects like rocks and toys that don't eat or grow., What do animals need? What do you think a cat needs everyday? What do we hang outside for the birds? - Animals need food, water, shelter, and air to survive. A cat need cat food, water, cat house and fresh air to breathe. We hang outside the water bottles and bird feeders for birds., Which kind of animals does wetland habitat have? - Wetland habitat has birds, frogs, beavers, dragon flies, fish, duck…...., Does the ocean have salt water? Name some animals that live in salt water? - Yes, the ocean has salt water. Animals that live in salt water are star fish, octopus, sharks, turtles, jelly fish, dolphin…, Does desert plant have a sponge like material? What can desert plant do to be able to survive in desert? - Yes, desert plant has sponge to store water. Desert plants has waxy cover leaves and sponge material to hold water inside., How can zebras escape from dangerous animals? What do elephants use to pick up food? Which habitat do the goslings live in? - Zebras use camouflage. They have black and white stripes to blend into the environment., Which kind of animals eat meat and which kind of animals eat plants? - Carnivore eats meat, herbivore eats plants., How do the wings help the birds? - Wings help bird to fly, What is the term "offspring"? What is a baby duck called? - Offspring is a young animal. Baby duck is duckling,, How can a baby human communicate with the parents? What skills does a mother tiger teach her young to stay alive? - Baby human cries to communicate with the parents? Mother tiger teaches her young tiger to get food by hunting and to find water to stay alive., What kind of parts of the plant that we can eat? Can we eat roots of carrots? Can we eat stem of the sugar cane? - We can eat all parts of plant such as roots, leaves, stems, fruit, flowers. We can eat roots of carrots and stem of suger cane., What kinds of plants that have itchy leaves? What kinds of plants that have thorn? - Squashes, pumpkins and cucumber has itchy leaves. Roses have thorn., What is an animal life cycle? How is the life cycle of a butterfly? How is the life cycle of a frog? - Life cycle is what happens when an animal grows. At the end of a life cycle, the animal makes new life cycle., Will a baby animal look just like his/her parents? - No, the will not. Black fur cat and have a white fur baby cat., What is sprout? - When a seed has good environment with enough water, moisture, nutrient, soil and sunlight, It will grow into a seedling. This process is called sprouting. , Who is the famous person that sprouted apple seeds? - Johnny apple seed is the famous person that sprouted apple seeds, Can erosion change shape of land and rocks? - Yes, they can., What parts of a vocalno? - Magma, chamber, carter, ash cloud, lava flow, What Earth's resources do you know? - Lands, air, water, wood, minerals, What is fossil? - Fossils are parts of plants and animals or imprint of creature that lived long ago.,

Science G1.Sem 1 - Revision 1

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