1) What does LGBTQ+ stand for? a) lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangenger, questioning+ b) legs, gut, belly, teeth quiz + c) lesbian, gay, bisexual transsexual, queer+ 2) What is the correct term for someone who has no or little sexual attraction?  a) pansexual b) non binary c) asexual 3) What does binary mean?   a) Someone who does not identify as the gender they where given at birth. b) Someone who identifies as either a man or a woman. c) Someone who is attracted to the same sex as themselves. 4) What does non binary mean? a) Someone who has transitioned from a man to a woman. b) Someone who does not identify as a man. c) Someone who does not identify as either a man or a woman 5) What does transgender mean? a) Someone who likes to dress as the opposite sex to which they identify. b) Someone who identifies as the opposite sex to which they were given at birth. c) Someone who does not identify as either man or woman.


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