____, people have mixed feelings about the effects tourism has on a country. Most people believe that computers always make life easier, but ____, the opposite is sometimes true since they often cause problems when they break down. ____ testing products on animals is cruel, but it is difficult to find a suitable alternative. A typical ____ of the benefits of country life is the fact that there is very little pollution from traffic. ____ more and more zoos are closing down shows that fewer people agree with keeping animals in captivity and, therefore, do not want to visit them any longer. Using public transport can be a nuisance, ____ when buses and trains are late during rush hour periods. Advances in medical science mean that cures have been found for many diseases. ____ , people live longer nowadays. ____, most people agree that more effort should be made where the recycling of materials is concerned. More and more women are going back to work after the birth of their children and ____ they have to find someone to look after the children during the day.

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