1) What did elephants have instead of trunks in the story? a) Short grey noses b) Long grey noses c) Short black noses d) Flat grey noses 2) Why was the elephant's child always asking questions? a) He was curious b) He wanted to make his family angry c) He was trying to find out what the crocodile ate d) He was a silly child 3) What did the elephant's child ask the parrot about? a) Why the parrot's feathers were colourful b) Why the hippo's eyes were red c) What the crocodile had for dinner d) Why the baboon's face was hairy 4) What did the snake tell the elephant's child about the crocodile? a) The crocodile was sleeping on a rock b) The crocodile was a very dangerous animal c) The crocodile had a long neck d) The crocodile liked to eat parrots 5) What happened when the elephant's child put his head next to the crocodile's mouth? a) The crocodile whispered the answer to his question b) The crocodile caught the elephant's child's nose in its mouth c) The crocodile let the elephant's child go d) The crocodile swallowed the elephant's child 6) What did the snake do to help the elephant's child? a) It wrapped its tail around the elephant's child's leg b) It told the elephant's child to go home c) It shook its head slowly d) It landed on the elephant's child's back 7) How did the elephant's child's nose change? a) It grew longer and longer b) It turned red c) It became hairy d) It stayed the same 8) What did the elephant's child do with his new trunk? a) He hit a fly on his back b) He pulled fruit down from a tree c) He sang loudly d) All of the above 9) Why did the elephant's family go to the river? a) To get new noses from the crocodile b) To find the elephant's child c) To ask the snake for advice d) To swim in the river 10) Where did the story take place? a) In the jungle b) In the desert c) In Africa d) By the river 11) The elephant's child asked the ostrich why her neck was so short. a) True b) False 12) The elephant's child asked the baboon why his face was hairy. a) True b) False 13) The elephant's family loved answering the child's questions. a) True b) False 14) The baboon told the elephant's child to go to the river and find out what the crocodile has for dinner. a) True b) False 15) The elephant's child knew what a crocodile looked like. a) True b) False

FF5 - The elephant's child - quiz

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