1) Would you rather work in your dream job for average pay or work in an unfulfilling job for triple the salary? 2) Would you rather live without internet for a year or without air conditioning and heating for a year? 3) Would you rather have the ability to time travel at will or the ability to instantly learn any skill? 4) Would you rather retire early with just enough money to live comfortably or work until you’re 70 and be wealthy? 5) Would you rather have a two-hour daily commute to your dream job or work just minutes from home in a less desirable job? 6) Would you rather live in a small house with an amazing view or a massive mansion in a subdivision? 7) Would you rather give up caffeine forever or give up alcohol forever? 8) Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal housekeeper? 9) Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones? 10) Would you rather have the power to gently influence anyone’s mind or have complete knowledge of every language? 11) Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again without getting tired? 12) Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to your favorite restaurant or an unlimited airline ticket to destinations of your choice? 13) Would you rather go back to age 18 knowing everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn? 14) Would you rather live in your dream home in a mediocre location or live in your dream location in a mediocre home? 15) Would you rather have an extra hour every day or have an extra week of vacation every year? 16) Would you rather be able to erase your biggest regret or have the foresight to avoid future mistakes? 17) Would you rather have a job where you travel excessively or one where you’re always working from home? 18) Would you rather live in a utopian virtual reality or in the real world with all its problems? 19) Would you rather have the ability to speak all foreign languages or be able to communicate with animals? 20) Would you rather spend a year at sea on a luxury yacht or a year traveling through Europe with a budget?

Would You Rather Questions For Adults

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