: What makes you to get up every morning?, How do you spend your free time?, What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?, What goal are you working toward right now?, What subjects, current events, or causes do you feel strongly about?, What childhood memory makes you smile?, What’s your favorite way to relax after a hectic day?, If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be and why?, What book or movie left a lasting impression on you?, Who do you look up to, and why?, Name 5 of your favourites: (book, movie, person, colour, food, music,...), Name 3 of your dislikes: (food, person, sport,...), What does you perfect day look like?, Do you have a life motto or something you live by?, Dog or cat? Black or white? Sweet or salty? Vine or beer? Book or movie? Night owl or morning bird? Sea or mountains?,

Getting to know each other

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