1) 🚳 translate (dilarang parkir) a) Yes parking b) No parking c) oke parking 2) 🚭 translate (dilarang merokok) a) No smoking b) No roking c) Yes smoking 3) 🚯 translate (dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan) a) Yes not little b) Do not litter c) ok litter 4) 📵 translate (dilarang memainkan handphone) a) ok playing handphone b) Yes playing handphone c) Play on cell phone is prohibited 5) Translate ayo belajar bersama a) Let's learn together b) Ok let's study together c) No No learning together 6) Translate ayo jaga kesehatan a) Not taking care of health b) Let's take care of ourselves c) Come on health 7) Translate mari buktikan kita bisa a) Let's prove we can b) Let's prove Ki can't c) Let's not prove it 8) 🚱 translate (dilarang bermain air) a) No playing in water b) Can play ai c) We can play in the water 9) 🛬 translate benda di samping a) Car b) Aircraft c) Bicycle 10) 🐣 bahasa inggris hewan di samping adalah a) Child chiken b) Chicken c) Male chicken

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