1) The UK (United Kingdom) is the political union of..... a) 3 countries: England, Scotland and Wales b) 3 countries: England Scotland and Northern Ireland c) 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2) Great Britain is a geographical term. It includes ...... a) 3 countries: England, Wales and Scotland b) 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland c) 3 countries: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland 3) The term British Isles refers to.... a) England and Ireland b) Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland c) The UK and the Republic of Ireland 4) What is the name of the UK flag and what colour is it? a) The Union Flag: it's black, red and green b) The UK Flag: it's red, blue and white c) The Union Jack: it's red, blue and white 5) What is the capital of the UK and England? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Liverpool 6) What is the capital of Scotland? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff 7) What is the capital of Wales? a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) Dublin 8) What is the capital of Northern Ireland? a) Dublin b) London c) Belfast 9) The red rose is the symbol of..... a) England b) Scotland c) Ireland 10) The thistle is the symbol of.... a) England b) Wales c) Scotland 11) The shamrock is the symbol of .... a) Ireland b) Northern Ireland c) Scotland 12) The Red Dragon is the symbol of... a) Scotland b) Wales c) Northern Ireland 13) How many people live in the UK? a) 53 million people b) 60 million people c) over 63 million people 14) What is the official language of the UK? a) English b) Scottish Gaelic c) Irish 15) What are the regional languages of the UK? a) English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh b) Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish c) English, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish 16) What's the name of this famous monument in London? a) The London Eye b) The Tower Bridge c) The Big Ben 17) What's the name of this famous monument in London? a) The London Eye b) The double-decker bus c) Buckingham Palace 18) What's the name of this famous monument in London? a) The Big Ben b) Buckingham Palace c) The Tower Bridge 19) What's the name of this famous monument in London? a) The double-decker bus b) The Big Ben c) Buckingham Palace 20) What's the name of this famous monument in London? a) The double-decker bus b) The Tower Bridge c) The London Eye

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