1) It's a small town in England. ...town is famous for its food. a) a/an b) the c) 0 2) There are a lot of ... good restaurants in Spain. a) a/an b) the c) 0 3) We want to go on holiday in... September. a) a/an b) the c) 0 4) Do you like... carrots? a) a/an b) the c) 0 5) I'm sure these tomatoes are int from ... Italy. a) a/an b) the c) 0 6) What is ... capital of France? a) a/an b) the c) 0 7) Do you think your mum is ... good cook? a) a/an b) the c) 0 8) Can I have ... egg sandwich for lunch? a) a/an b) the c) 0 9) you can buy fresh vegetables at ... market in Saville Street. a) a/an b) the c) 0 10) My brother works as .. waiter here. a) a/an b) the c) 0 11) People in ... Poland don't often go out. a) a/an b) the c) 0 12) Does John like ... cheese? a) a/an b) the c) 0 13) We are at a food festival. ... festival is very popular with tourists. a) a/an b) the c) 0 14) Is there ... good cafe near your house? a) a/an b) the c) 0 15) What colour is ... orange? a) a/an b) the c) 0 16) My favourite reataurant is in .. London. a) a/an b) the c) 0

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