1) What is period? a) a horizontal row on the periodic table b) a chart showing the elements and their information arranged in order of increasing atomic number c) a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom d) the number of protons in an atom 2) What is a column on the periodic table? a) periodic table b) element c) period d) group 3) What is a key that displays the name of an element, its symbol, atomic number, and atomic weight? a) periodic table b) period c) element key d) group 4) What is symbol? a) a horizontal row on the periodic table b) a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom c) group d) a chart showing the elements and their information arranged in order of increasing atomic number e) a one or two letter representation for an element 5) What is a chart showing the elements and their information arranged in order of increasing atomic number? a) group b) periodic table c) element key d) period 6) What is a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom? a) element b) symbol c) group d) periodic table e) element key 7) What is atomic number? a) the number of protons in an atom b) a chart showing the elements and their information arranged in order of increasing atomic number c) a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom d) a horizontal row on the periodic table 8) What is electrical conductor? a) a material that allows electricity to flow through it b) the ability of a material to change shapes by bending, flattening, or hammering without breaking c) the property of a material that allows it to shine by reflecting light from its surface d) a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity 9) What is luster? a) the number of protons in an atom b) a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom c) a material that allows electricity to flow through it d) the ability of a material to change shapes by bending, flattening, or hammering without breaking e) a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity f) the property of a material that allows it to shine by reflecting light from its surface 10) What is the ability of a material to change shapes by bending, flattening, or hammering without breaking? a) luster b) electrical conductor c) atomic number d) period e) periodic table f) malleability 11) What is a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity? a) metal b) atomic number c) luster d) malleability e) periodic table f) period 12) What is ductility? a) the number of protons in an atom b) a horizontal row on the periodic table c) a material that allows electricity to flow through it d) the ability of a material to be drawn out into wires without breaking 13) What is heat conductor ? a) a material that allows heat to flow through it b) the ability of a material to be drawn out into wires without breaking c) the number of protons in an atom d) the property of a material that allows it to shine by reflecting light from its surface e) a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity f) the ability or likeliness of a substance to react chemically with other materials 14) What is reactivity? a) a material that allows heat to flow through it b) the ability or likeliness of a substance to react chemically with other materials c) the number of protons in an atom d) a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity e) the property of a material that allows it to shine by reflecting light from its surface f) a material that allows electricity to flow through it 15) What is corrosion? a) a material that allows heat to flow through it b) the ability of a material to be drawn out into wires without breaking c) damage caused to metals when they react with chemicals in the environment d) a material that is usually, solid, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity

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