
B1 passive

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Trivia - Passive Voice
Trivia - Passive Voice Quiz
GT4 21 PHC ex1 . The passive Match. Then complete the sentences.
GT4 21 PHC ex1 . The passive Match. Then complete the sentences. Trova le corrispondenze
Passive Voice Name ....
Passive Voice Name .... Apri la scatola
Gold Preliminary Unit 10 Passive Voice
Gold Preliminary Unit 10 Passive Voice Quiz
Passive present simple
Passive present simple Quiz
Passive Voice B1/B2
Passive Voice B1/B2 Quiz
Gold Pre-first Unit 8 The Passive
Gold Pre-first Unit 8 The Passive Abbinamenti
B1 Used to & Would Quiz
B1 Used to & Would Quiz Quiz
Gerunds & Infinitives
Gerunds & Infinitives Organizza per gruppo
B1-Speaking-Fashion Carte a caso
B1 Email phrases
B1 Email phrases Riordina
PASSIVE Apri la scatola
B1+ U4 contrast linkers
B1+ U4 contrast linkers Telequiz
Passive voice HA B1
Passive voice HA B1 Colpisci la talpa
34 Prepositions 2 (TYV2)
34 Prepositions 2 (TYV2) Quiz
Causative + Passive (Optimise B1)
Causative + Passive (Optimise B1) Quiz
GR2_Passive of Reporting Verbs
GR2_Passive of Reporting Verbs Completa la frase
B1-U3-Quantifiers Apri la scatola
P4 15.3  ex2 Present simple passive with extra options
P4 15.3 ex2 Present simple passive with extra options Completa la frase
B1+ Past Perfect. End the sentences.
B1+ Past Perfect. End the sentences. Carte a caso
Passive Riordina
Passive Apri la scatola
0, 1st, 2nd Conditionals
0, 1st, 2nd Conditionals Organizza per gruppo
Food B1
Food B1 Quiz
cooking techniques B1
cooking techniques B1 Abbinamenti
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Apri la scatola
PASSIVE QUESTIONS Ruota della fortuna
PASSIVE VOICE Colpisci la talpa
Passive voice
Passive voice Abbinamenti
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Ruota della fortuna
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Telequiz
PASSIVE VOICE Gira le tessere
Passive voice
Passive voice Carte a caso
T3 - U12 - modals of probability
T3 - U12 - modals of probability Quiz
T4 - U16- Reported Speech: statements
T4 - U16- Reported Speech: statements Carte a caso
Present perfect passive voice unjumble
Present perfect passive voice unjumble Riordina
-ED pronunciation
-ED pronunciation Organizza per gruppo
Simple past and past Continuous
Simple past and past Continuous Completa la frase
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous Gira le tessere
B1 - Discorso indiretto
B1 - Discorso indiretto Apri la scatola
P4 16.3 ex6 first conditional Quiz
P4 16.3 ex6 first conditional Quiz Quiz
B1 food 2
B1 food 2 Trova le corrispondenze
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