1) gave a) give b) build c) bring d) tell 2) went a) bring b) eat c) go d) have 3) saw a) go b) give c) write d) see 4) bought a) buy b) choose c) teach d) build 5) became a) think b) tell c) become d) do 6) wrote a) write b) teach c) do d) go 7) said a) say b) tell c) go d) make 8) told a) write b) make c) tell d) have 9) thought a) eat b) think c) choose d) swim 10) swam a) swim b) teach c) forgot d) see 11) had a) have b) bring c) build d) write 12) ate a) eat b) become c) give d) bring 13) drank a) drink b) see c) tell d) build 14) did a) think b) write c) tell d) do 15) made a) become b) think c) give d) make 16) brought a) give b) build c) bring d) see 17) built a) swim b) forgot c) build d) choose 18) chose a) choose b) tell c) go d) forgot 19) forgot a) forget b) have c) do d) eat 20) taught a) teach b) build c) become d) give 21) caught a) catch b) bring c) bet d) drive 22) flew a) feel b) fall c) fly d) forgive 23) drew a) drink b) drive c) do d) draw 24) sent a) sell b) send c) spend d) show

Past Simple Irregular Verbs


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