1) Who is the creator of Pet Simulator X? / Chi è il creatore di Pet Simulator X? a) Preston b) There is not a creator c) My Dog d) Digito e) RussoPlays 2) Who's this? / Chi è Questo? a) Pog Cat b) Pig c) Cat d) Stupid Cat e) Huge Dog f) I dont know 3) Who's this? a) Galaxy Fox b) My Grandpa c) Pog Cat d) I dont know e) .... 4) Who's this? and the rarity? / Chi è questo? e la rarità? a) Blue Dominus b) Basic c) Exclusive d) Rare e) Dominus Astra f) ROBUX 5) Who's this? a) Digito b) .... c) DM Hellish Axolotl d) Sapphire Phoenix e) Google Chrome f) eeehhmmm I dont Know 6) You Are a Fan of Pet Sim X? /  Sei un fan di Pet Sim X? a) No b) Yes 7) You Follow the Big Games Group in Roblox? / Segui il gruppo Big Games in Roblox? a) Yes b) No 8) Who's this? and the rarity? / Chi è questo? e la rarità? a) Mithical b) Demon Dm c) Rare d) Exclusive e) Pixel Demon DM f) Goblin 9) Who's this? and the rarity? / Chi è questo? e la rarità? a) Basic b) Huge Pumpkin Cat c) Leggendary d) Exclusive e) ..... f) Pumpkin Cat 10) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Rare b) ... c) Grumpy Cat d) Exclusive e) My Grandpa f) Cat with brown mask 11) ( ONLY) The rarity? / (SOLO) la rarità? a) Exclusive, b) Sapphire Phoenix c) Rare d) Basic e) Basirare is the rarity f) Exclusive 12) Who's this? a) Diminos b) dfdffoorttus c) Immortus d) SUSUSS e) .. 13) (EASY) Who's this? and the rarity? a) The giant cat b) Rare c) Exclusive d) Mithical e) Huge Festive Cat f) cat 14) This? / Questo? a) Cat in the sandwitch b) Grumpy cat c) Nyan Cat d) Brown cat e) Ikea cat f) tecno cat 15) (Without images) What is the rarity of Pastel Sock Bunny, of Easter Bunny, and the choccolate Hippo? ( April Event ) / (Senza immagini) Qual è la rarità del Pastel Sock Bunny, del Easter Bunny e dell'choccolate hippo? ( Evento di aprile ) a) Mithical b) Epic c) Exclusive d) Rare e) Leggendary f) Basic 16) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Dominus Infernus b) Rare c) Dominus Empyreus d) Basic e) the red Dominus f) Epic 17) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Rare b) Cat c) Chest Mimic d) Exclusive e) Chest f) Basic 18) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Golden Wicked Angelus b) My Grandpa c) I dont know d) Angelus Wicdked e) mmmmhhh f) Mithical 19) ( EASY) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Blue Big Maskot b) Signature big maskot c) Big Maskot d) Basic e) Preston pet f) .... 20) ( ONLY) The rarity? / (SOLO) la rarità? a) Excl.lusive b) Rare c) Basic d) Exclusive e) Leggendary f) Mytical 21) ( LAST QUEST) Who's this? and the rarity? a) Rare b) Big Maskot c) Signature Big Maskot d) Epic e) Exclusive f) Maskot with smile

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