What’s your name? How do you spell it? What’s your email address?, Where do you live?, How many people are there in your family? , Tell me about your parents / brothers or sisters . What are their names, ages, etc? , Where are you from? What is your home town or city? , • What do (or did) you study? Is (or was) it: – interesting? – difficult? , What did you do after finishing your studies? , What job do you do ? When did you start working? Why did (or do) you want to do this job?, What’s the weather like today? Which is your favourite season? What is the weather like then?, What weather makes you feel happy/sad/etc? , Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you go shopping? , Do you go shopping alone or with friends? What sort of things do you usually buy? , • How much exercise do you do? Is exercise important? Why (not)? , Do you like playing/watching sports? What sports do you like playing/watching?, What’s your phone number?.


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