Devon always believes that the ____ 榮譽 is not only 不僅 his but also his ____'. 他父母的 When he was ____ 小時候 , his parents went to the swimming ____ class 游泳訓練班 with him every day. ____ ____, Devon was not a strong ____. 起初,德文並不是游泳健將。 But his parents ____ him. 但他的父母鼓勵他。 ____, he was able to swim as ____ as other ____. 很快,他就能游得和其他隊友一樣快。 ____, 現在 Devon has ____ 成為 an ____ ____. 出色的游泳運動員。 He has ____ many swimming ____. 他贏得了許多游泳比賽。 He says, “The more you ____, the ____ you will become.” “你練習得越多,你就會變得越好。”



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