1) How much money do you usually spend ... clothes? a) for b) on c) in 2) What are you saving up ... at the moment? a) to b) on c) for 3) When was the last time you lent money / things ... somebody? a) to b) for c) from 4) How do you usually pay ... things? in cash or by card?  a) on b) for c) in 5) When can a person be ... debt? a) on b) in c) for 6) How much money does your hairdresser charge ... your haircut? a) for b) from c) on 7) What kind of things do you usually borrow ... friends / family? a) to b) from c) on 8) What kind of things do people waste their money ... ? a) in b) for c) on 9) He's always short ... money. a) of b) on c) for 10) I prefer to spend money ... other people. a) in b) for c) on 11) I ran .... money last week and I really need some money to buy food. a) out of b) out c) from 12) I was paying ... card and I didn't check the amount. a) in b) by c) with 13) It's always a mistake to buy things ... sale. a) on b) from c) in 14) I don't mind paying ... cash. a) with b) in c) by 15) She fell in love .... this necklace. a) with b) on c) by 16) I don't normally spent a lot of money ... myself a) for b) on c) by

solutions pre-intermediate 7H money prepositions


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