Shaper (SH) - People in this role can really be influential to a team. They are extroverted and good problem solvers., Implementers (IMP) - These people are reliable and organized. They are efficient and turn ideas into practical plans and actions., Completer-Finisher (CF) - People in this role are detail-oriented and help the team finish things on time and accurately. They are often perfectionists., Coordinator (CO) - These are usually the team leaders. They are calm sociable and good listeners and understand the strengths of each team member., Resource Investigator (RI) - These people are often enthusiastic extroverts who are good at developing contacts an can motivate the team to achieve it's goal., Team Worker (TW) - People in this role help the team get on with each other and collaborate. , Plant - People in this role often bring new ideas and ways of doing things. They are often introverts and prefer to work away from the team., Monitor Evaluator (ME) - People in this role are generally good at analyzing problems and ideas and understanding all the advantages and disadvantages of new ideas from other members of the group. ,

Belbin Roles Revision Warmer


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