1) Homer............ the newspaper. a) reading b) 's reading c) are reading 2) Marge..........dinner. a) cook b) cooking c) 's cooking 3) Lisa and Bart.......with water. a) 're playing b) are play c) playing 4) Maggie ....... her pets. a) is hug b) 's hugging c) hug 5) Flanders ........ a song. a) 's singing b) isn't singing c) isn't sing 6) Carl and Lenny ........ pizza. a) aren't eating b) 're eating c) doesn't eat 7) Mr. Burns ........ tennis. a) 's playing b) playing c) isn't playing 8) Skinner and Bart ......  a) 're walking b) aren't walking c) aren't walk 9) You ...... in my pool. a) are swimming b) aren't swim c) swimming 10) ....... Homer ........? a) 's / dancing b) Are / dancing c) Is / dancing 11) ........Marge ....... a bath? a) 're / have b) Is / having c) Does / having 12) Look! I ....... a horse! a) am riding b) 'm ride c) riding 13) ...... I .......??? a) Are / learn b) Am / learn c) Am / learning 14) What's he doing? a) He's working b) He sleeping c) He's sleeping 15) What are they doing? a) They travelling b) They're travelling c) They're travel 16) Is Bart running? a) No, she is b) No, I'm not. c) No, he isn't 17) Is Lisa playing music? a) Yes, she is b) Yes, he is c) Yes, he's 18) Are they watching TV? a) Yes, he is b) Yes, she is c) Yes, they are 19) Are you using MY computer? a) Yes, I am b) Yes, he is c) Yes, they are

Present Continuous with the Simpsons


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