1) What is the main purpose of a poster/ leaflet? a) To inform b) To entertain c) To educate d) To amuse 2) Which of these colors would suit a natural theme? a) Blue b) Grey c) Red d) Green e) Orange 3) Which is a definition of house style? a) How many images a company uses on their wesbite? b) a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material c) A company's logo? d) The size of the font on a website. 4) When writing a script, what does INT stand for? a) Introduction b) Internship c) Interior d) Internal 5) Would warm lighting be a technical code, symbolic code or written code? a) Technical b) Symbolic c) Written 6) Would different font colours be a technical code, symbolic code or written code? a) Technical b) Symbolic c) Written 7) A cameraman shakes the camera to indicate a nervous character, what code is this? a) Technical b) Symbolic c) Written 8) A driver holds a trophy above his head to indicate his victory, what code is this? a) Technical b) Symbolic c) Written 9) An audio track plays when you complete a video game, what code is this? a) Technical b) Written c) Symbolic 10) If the font, Chiller, is being used, what genre is the product most likely to be? a) Documentary b) Children's c) Educational d) Horror/ thriller 11) Which of these is most likely to be an interactive asset on an IDMP? a) Button b) Image c) Banner d) Logo 12) If an image transitions to the next scene by fading out slowly, what transition effect is being used? a) J Cut b) Cross-fade c) Wipe 13) If an image disappears by sliding from right to left, what transition is this? a) J Cut b) Cross-fade c) Wipe 14) A tv show zooms in to the face of the characters, what kind of shot is being used? a) Extreme close up b) Close up c) Mid shot d) Long shot 15) A western film narrows into the eyes of a shooter before he draws his gun, what shot is this? a) Extreme close up b) Close up c) Mid shot d) Long shot 16) Before entering a scene, the camera displays a shot of the front of the building, what shot is this? a) Extreme close up b) Close up c) Mid shot d) Long shot 17) An adventure movie starts with a shot overlooking some snow capped mountains, what shot is this? a) Extreme close up b) Close up c) Mid shot d) Long shot 18) A camera follows a person through a building from above, what angle is this shot? a) Eye level b) Wide c) Low to high d) Top down 19) A camera follows a person walking through the office, remaining at head height to follow the head over the cubicles, what angle is this shot? a) Eye level b) Wide c) Low to high d) Top down 20) What does SD for? a) Spatial differentiation b) Spending deficit c) Standard definition d) Standing downwind 21) What does HD stand for? a) High density b) High defintion c) Hidden delegation d) Hindsight design 22) What does AR stand for? a) American realty b) Augmented reality c) Angle revolution d) Altered reality 23) What does VR stand for? a) Virtual reality b) Virtually realistic c) Visual reality d) Visual recognition 24) A high definition tv has dimensions of 1920(w) by 1080(h). A banner needs to occupy the lower third of the screen, what will the dimensions of the banner be? a) 640x360 b) 5760x3240 c) 1920x360 25) What is resolution a measure of? a) Quality b) Pixels c) Size d) Dimension 26) Which of these would be suitable for a printed graphic? a) 300dpi b) 200dpi c) 92dpi d) 72dpi 27) Which of these is a suitable fie type for a graphic? a) SVG b) PPTX c) PNG d) PDF 28) What stage of production is script writing? a) Pre production b) Production c) Post production 29) What stage of production is lighting involved in? a) Pre production b) Production c) Post production 30) What stage of production is special effects design involved in? a) Pre production b) Production c) Post production 31) Which of these is not a stage of production? a) Pre production b) Production c) Post production d) Initial planning production 32) Why does a film set need a clapperboard? a) To tell people what time it is? b) To make a good noise c) Because it is Hollywood tradition d) To make precise marks for the audio technicians or sound editors 33) What stage of production would a director be involved in? a) Pre production b) Production c) Post production d) All 3 stages 34) 'I'm loving it' would be an example of what? a) Logo b) Slogan c) Colour palette d) Typography 35) Which of these is an example of traditional media? a) AR b) Video games c) Radio d) Streaming services 36) Is film traditional or new media? a) Traditional b) Modern 37) Which of these is a form of new media? a) Radio b) Digital publishing c) Newspapers d) Film 38) Which of these is a media product produced by Amazon? a) Video b) Social media c) Digital games d) VFX 39) Effects that happen in the real world are known as a) Special effects b) Visual effects 40) Effects that are created on the computer are known as a) Special effects b) Visual effects 41) Wallace and Gromit is an example of what type of animation? a) Stop motion b) Hand drawn c) Computer generated 42) The little mermaid, snow white and Pocahontas are all examples of what kind of animation? a) Stop motion b) Hand drawn c) Computer generated 43) Monsters inc and other Pixar films are all examples of what kind of animation? a) Stop motion b) Hand drawn c) Computer generated 44) Would Pokemon go be an example of AR or VR? a) AR b) VR 45) Would games like beat saber, be examples of VR or AR? a) AR b) VR 46) How are words displayed on an e-reader? a) Ink b) LED c) Analog displays d) E-ink 47) What does ofcom stand for? a) The office of commerical media b) Official communication media c) Official communication agency d) Office of communications 48) Which of these is an example of primary research? a) Listening to a podcast b) Reading a dissertation c) Conducting a survey in person d) The news 49) What does PPI stand for in creative media? a) Page placement index b) Pixels per inch c) Personal premium insurance d) Pixels per index 50) What does CD stand for? a) Convenient disc b) Compact disc c) Compact digital d) Convenient digital

Mr Heathers - Creative Imedia revision pack


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