1. Should parents choose their child’s future profession or should children be free to make their own decisions?, 2. Why do you think that some parents choose to educate their children at home? Is this a good thing? , 3. What are your plans for the future?, 4. What do you like about your town?, 5. What was it like growing up in your hometown?, 6. What do you enjoy about your work?, 7. How do you think your neighbourhood could be improved?, 8. How have eating habits changed over recent years?, 9. Do you think long-distance transport will improve in the future?, 10. How healthy is your country’s cuisine?, 11. Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?, 12. Do people take as much exercise as in the past?, 13. Why is exercise good for you?, 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?, 15. Which part of your country would you recommend to tourists?, 16. What are the main health problems in your country?.

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