1) Mark ... to the mountains tomorrow. a) goes b) will go c) go d) went 2) I will eat strawberry cake ... a) yesterday b) every week c) this morning d) tomorrow 3) ... you slide down the hill with me next Friday? a) Will b) Are c) Is d) Do 4) Mike ... a newspaper every day. a) won't read b) am not reading c) don't read d) doesn't read 5) Harry ... a tail of his pony next weekend. a) brushes b) brush c) won't brush d) aren't brushing 6) Helen will ... her face before her breakfast. a) eat b) paint c) buy d) wash 7) .... you ... your sun cream for me? a) Will ... take b) Were ... take c) Are ... take d) Does ... take 8) My mother ... of me if I break her favourite cup. a) is be proud b) will be proud c) does be proud d) won't be proud 9) Your coat will ... wet. It'll ... today. a) be, rain b) is, rains c) does, rains d) will, rain 10) What ... a reporter ... in his new article about this new cartoon? a) does... writes b) will ... write c) can ... be d) was... write

A1. Future Simple






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