defeated, remained, By the time Hitler was defeated, She remained hopeful, high-spirited, mild-mannered, He was high-spirited and outgoing, She was serious and mild-mannered, reunited, declared, sided, discussed, attached, invaded, occupied, provided, outraged, staged, respected, received, treasured, scribbled, cloth-covered, Hitler reunited Austria and Germany., England and France declared war., Italy sided with Germany, The Netherlands remained neutral, They never discussed their fears, The blades were attached to the shoes with a key, Germany invaded the Netherlands, The Netherlands were an occupied country, Her mother provided refreshments, The people were outraged, They staged a strike, Miep respected Mr Frank., Anne received many presents, Anne treasured one gift most of all, He scribbled a note on the paper, She brought her cloth-covered diary.

Anne Frank -ed words & phrases







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