1) What does the word Lanna mean a) Rice fields b) Millions of rice fields c) Rice d) Fields e) Billions of rice fields f) Rice fields 2) Where is Lanna kingdom part of a) Thailand b) Myanmar , Laos ,Thailand  c) China, Laos ,Myanmar and Thailand d) China e) No f) Bangkok 3) What historical era is it in a) Early b) Early modern c) Early modern period d) Never happened e) Lanna f) Samut sakon 4) When did Sukhothai existed? a) 1250–1338 b) 1283–1438 c) 1238–1438 d) 1328–1543 e) 246–1300 f) 1000–1400 5) Where did Sukhothai located? a) East Thailand b) Central Thailand c)  Southern Thailand d) North Central Thailand e) Northern Thailand f) Laos 6) Who was the King of Sukhothai? a) King Rama II b) King Rama III c) King Rama IX d) Donald Trump e) King Si Inthrathit f) There is no king

Thai history






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