1) It ____ cold yesterday. a) was b) were 2) She ____ hungry. a) were b) was 3) We ____ late for the meeting. a) were b) was 4) I ____ tired last night. a) were b) was 5) The exam ____ difficult. a) was b) were 6) They ____ in Berlin. a) was b) were 7) You ____ in the library when I called you. a) were b) was 8) The holiday ____ fun. a) were b) was 9) He ____ early for the interview. a) was b) were 10) The people we met last night ____ French. a) was b) were 11) That woman ____ Spanish. a) wasn't b) weren't 12) Julie ____ late for the class. a) weren't b) wasn't 13) The food ____ very good. a) wasn't b) weren't 14) They ____ my uncle and aunt. a) wasn't b) weren't 15) I ____ rude to the waitress. a) wasn't b) weren't 16) The test ____ easy. a) weren't b) wasn't 17) We ____ tired when we arrived. a) weren't b) wasn't 18) They ____ on the bus when I called. a) wasn't b) weren't 19) You ____ here when she came. a) weren't b) wasn't 20) He ____ my boyfriend. a) weren't b) wasn't 21) ____ John at the party? a) Was b) Were 22) ____ you tired yesterday? a) Was b) Were 23) ____ the weather good? a) Was b) Were 24) ____ we too noisy? a) Was b) Were 25) ____ he a doctor when he was young? a) Was b) Were 26) ____ they in the class last week? a) Was b) Were 27) ____ she a good student? a) Was b) Were 28) ____ I on time? a) Were b) Was 29) ____ Julie and Lucy at the meeting? a) Were b) Was 30) ____ we in Paris? a) Was b) Were 31) Where ____ you? a) were b) was 32) What ____ that noise? a) were b) was 33) Who ____ that man? a) was b) were 34) How ____ the weekend? a) were b) was 35) Where ____ the money? a) was b) were 36) Why ____ the door open? a) were b) was 37) Who ____ the teacher? a) was b) were 38) How ____ your holiday? a) were b) was 39) What ____ the weather like? a) was b) were 40) Why ____ the children awake? a) was b) were 41) I ____ at the cinema last night. a) was b) were 42) ____ the children naughty? a) Was b) Were 43) We ____ in a cafe when you called. a) were b) was 44) ____ I late? a) Were b) Was 45) She ____ a teacher when she was young. a) was b) were 46) Where ____ we? a) was b) were 47) ____ you okay? a) Were b) Was 48) ____ we too tired? a) Was b) Were 49) How ____ the party? a) was b) were 50) They ____ late for the interview. a) was b) were 51) You ____ in the garden. a) were b) was 52) What ____ his name? a) were b) was 53) It ____ cold. a) wasn’t b) weren't 54) ____ she beautiful? a) Were b) Was 55) She ____ my wife at the time. a) wasn't b) weren't 56) He ____ hungry. a) were b) was 57) Why ____ you late? a) were b) was 58) You ____ early. a) wasn't b) weren’t 59) They ____ in love. a) weren't b) wasn't 60) We ____ in China. a) wasn't b) weren't

PAST SIMPLE - WAS / WERE - PUDEŁKO - 60 PYTAŃ - twierdzenia / przeczenia / pytania - Perfect English Grammar





自動保存: を復元しますか?