How old were you when you first learned to drive?, Was there anything difficult about learning to drive?, Can you drive a manual shift car?, Which do you like best - a standard or automatic shift car?, What are the advantages of owning a car?, What are the disadvantages of owning a car?, Are you a good driver?, Have you ever been in a car accident?, Have you ever been pulled over by the police?, Have you ever driven a car in a foreign country?, Are the drivers in your area where you live good drivers?, What are some things you do to maintain your car?, Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation?, Do you like drive at night?, Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?, Is drunk driving a problem in your country?, What kind of laws does your country have about drunk driving?, Is jaywalking legal in your country?, Who taught you to drive?, What is the longest trip you have ever taken by car?, Have you ever broken down and been stranded on the side of the road?, On what occasions do you honk your car horn?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a GPS?, Does the type of car a person drives tell us about the person who drives it?, What can we tell or imagine about a person by looking at the car they drive?, What are the laws about seat belts in your country?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of air conditioning?, Do you allow passengers to eat inside your car?, What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a second-hand car?, Do you wash your car yourself or do you have it washed?, What do you know about "hybrid" cars?, Do you like to drive or be driven?, Have you ever bribed a policeman in your country after he pulled you over?, Is it common for traffic cops to accept bribes?, Is it easy to find parking?, How do you feel about spending time in your car during rush hour?, Is car theft a big problem in your country?, Have you had your car stolen?, Have you had your radio stolen?, Can you change a flat tire?, What do you think of international car-free days?, Can you recall any memorable car drive in your life?.






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