A bugalow - is a house which has only one level, and no stairs., A caravan - is on wheels and can be moved around., A detached house - is a house that is not joined to any other house, A semi-detached house - has another house joined onto it on one side. , A palace - is a very large dwelling, often used as the official home of a royal family or president., A tent - is a shelter made of cloth and supported with ropes and poles., A hotel - is a dwelling where you pay to stay in a room and have meals., A hall of residence - is a building with rooms or flats, usually built by universities or colleges, in which students live during the term., A flat - is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor and part of a larger building., A mountain cabin - is a small wooden house, especially one in an area of forests or mountains.,

Types of dwellings






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