1) ______ is good exercise. a) Running b) To run 2) _____ here is easy! You can take the bus or the train! a) Getting b) To get 3) I would love _____ Italian one day! a) learning b) to learn 4) Mom goes _____ every week. a) shopping b) to shop 5) We decided _____ at home and watch TV. a) staying b) to stay 6) She tried had ___________ the exams. a) to pass b) passing 7) I would love _____ France one day! a) visiting b) to visit 8) Are you afraid of__________ in the lake? a) swimming b) to swim 9) I want ______ a scientist when I grow up. a) being b) to be 10) I don't mind__________ late. a) working b) to work 11) _____ too much TV is harmful to your eyes! a) Watching b) To watch 12) I hate _____ for you every day. a) waiting b) to wait 13) I love _____ food for my son. a) cooking b) to cook 14) I'd love _____ with you tonight. a) coming b) to come 15) Dario hates ______. a) cooking b) to cook 16) Jonas would like ______ you a question. a) asking b) to ask 17) Let's go ______ on Saturday. a) shopping b) to shop 18) He saved money ____________ a new car. a) buying b) to buy

Gerund or Infinitive?






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