Did you read yesterday? Why? / Why not?, How often do you read a magazine? Why?, Which is better: reading on-line or reading things on paper?, Did you ever go to a library to read? Why? / Why not?, Can reading make you become a smarter person?, Did you read today? Why? / Why not?, How often do you read a book?, Do you enjoy reading? Why? / Why not?, Is it easy to learn to read in another language? Why? / Why not?, Which is better: reading or watching TV? Why?, Do you like to go to book stores? Why? / Why not?, How often do you read books or magazines (in print or on-line) in English?, What are some things you can do to become a better reader?, What do you want to read soon?, On average, how many books do you read in a year?, What's your favorite book? Who's your favorite author?, Are you a fast reader or a slow reader?, Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books? Why?, Do you try to read books that are recognized as classics? Why or why not?, Where is the best place to read? , Do you read magazines? What are some magazines you enjoy?, Do you read the newspaper? Which section do you read first, What do you do if you find a word you don't know while you're reading? , Did you ever re-read a book? Which? Why? How many times?, Did your mother read to you as a child? Did you have a favorite story? What wasit?, Where did you first learn to read? At home? School? Church, What was your favorite book that you had to read in school?, Did you ever listen to an audio book? Which one? Why?, How do you select books? Covers? Ads? Book reviews? Word of mouth? Gifts?, Are you reading a book now? What is it? , Should children be encouraged to read?Should they be forced to read?, Do you think people should read more?, Do you like historical, modern or futuristic stories?.







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