1) What would you do if you saw a man trying to steal your car? 2) Where would you live if you could live anywhere? 3) If you were powerful enough to change the world, what would you change? 4) If you were given three wishes, what would you wish? 5) Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world? 6) If you could change your past, what would you change? 7) If your house was on fire, what personal belonging would you miss the most? 8) If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? 9) What would you do if you won a million dollars? 10) If you changed your name, what name would you choose? 11) What would you do if you could be invisible for a day? 12) What would you do if you saw a ghost? 13) What would you do if you saw a person shoplifting? 14) What would you do if you had to catch a bus but you don´t have enough money? 15) What would you do if you saw a man hitting a woman? 16) If you had enough money to giveaway, who would you help? 17) If you had $1000 dollars to spend within an hour, how would you spend them? 18) If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? 19) If you had to run away from the police, where would you hide? 20) If you could be a Marvel Comics super hero, who would you like to be? 21) If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? 22) If you could change one thing in a world, what would it be? 23) If you could travel anywhere in the worlds, where would you go? 24) If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for? 25) If you could travel back in time, what year would you go to?

Second conditional






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