1) I’ll answer the door. I’m closer to it than you. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 2) I’ll carry that bag for you. It looks heavy. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 3) I like these shoes. I think I’ll buy them a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 4) I know you don’t believe me, but I’ll work really hard this time. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 5) I don’t want to do my homework now. I’ll do it later. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 6) I’ll wash the dishes after dinner. You relax. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 7) I’ll be very careful with your car. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 8) Shall I get some bread and milk on my way home? a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 9) The remote control needs new batteries. I’ll put some new ones in now. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 10) I need some exercise. I’ll go for a walk. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 11) I’ll take care of your dog and I'll walk it every day while you’re away. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 12) Shall I make you a cup of tea? a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 13) I’ll have the soup and salad. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 14) Don't worry mum. I won’t open the present before my birthday. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION 15) I’ll give it back to you tomorrow. a) OFFER b) PROMISE c) DECISION







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