1) I’d rather not ________ my alarm clock – it makes such an awful noise! a) setting b) to set c) set 2) Our music teacher used ________ us play the same music over and over again. a) make b) making c) to make 3) I’ll never forget ________ your face when you heard you’d won the lottery! a) seeing b) see c) to see 4) I know you’re very tired, but please try ________ for a few more minutes a) concentrate b) to concentrate c) concentrating 5) My new job involves ________ people with their sleep problems. a) to help b) help c) helping 6) I ________ oversleep but I did this morning a) ´m not used to b) don´t usually c) used to 7) These new blankets are heavier than a duvet, but you’ll soon ________ them. a) get used b) get used to c) used to 8) I watch a lot of foreign films so I ________ reading subtitles. a) used to b) get used to c) am used to 9) Chloe ________ be good at singing, but now she sings really well and is in the choir. a) wasn´t used to b) didn´t use to c) is used to 10) We can’t get used ________ asleep when it’s light. It never gets dark in Alaska in the summer! a) fall b) to falling c) to fall 11) Mathias decided ________ more and to try to get into the orchestra a) practise b) practising c) to practise 12) After a month in Australia, I’ve finally ________ the time difference. a) got used to b) been used to c) used to 13) an instrument you play by blowing into it a) a violin b) a flute c) a cello 14) a woman who sings with a very high-pitched voice a) chorus b) barista c) soprano 15) a large group of people who sing together a) chorus b) choir c) orchestra 16) a musical instrument that you hit with sticks a) piano b) cello c) drums 17) I was so exhausted that I fell sleep as soon as my head hit the ________. a) blanket b) pillow c) sheet 18) I could never share a hotel room with my brother – he ________ so loudly! a) snores b) yawns c) naps 19) I like to sleep under a thick ________ in winter. a) sheet b) duvet c) pillow 20) The bed was so comfortable that I slept like a ________. a) log b) horse c) stone

Unit 6- Quiz- Superior






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