1) There is ... bread in the kitchen. a) a few b) a little 2) We have ... time. a) a few b) a little 3) I've got ... questions.  a) a few b) a little 4) I know ... English songs. a) a few b) a little 5) He speaks ... English. a) a few b) a little 6) She has ... good friends. a) a few b) a little 7) Sara's got ... books at home. a) a few b) a little 8) There is ... sugar in this cup of tea. a) a few b) a little 9) I've got ... juice left. a) a few b) a little 10) We have ... water. a) a few b) a little 11) There are ... bananas on the table. a) a few b) a little

A few/ a little






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