1) Which countries influenced the Czech cuisine? Why? 2) What is the Czech cuisine like? 3) What sorts of meat are popular in our country? 4) What is meat served with? 5) Does a soup play an important role in the Czech cuisine?  6) What sorts of soups are eaten in our country? 7) What does the main course consist of? 8) Name 3 traditional Czech meals based on meat? 9) Name 3 traditional Czech meatless meals? 10) What side dishes are served with meat? 11) What are the most popular sweet dishes in our country? 12) What fruit are fruit dumplings filled with? 13) Can you name any soft drinks? 14) Describe Czech eating habits? 15) What is healthy food? 16) What is unhealthy food? 17) What does the traditional Christmas dinner consist of? 18) What food is served at parties?

Czech cuisine






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